How Permissive Parenting Can Be a Tool of Oppression
As an untigering mother and unschooler, I often criticize the coercive authoritarian parenting that I grew up with and practiced for many years. But to
As an untigering mother and unschooler, I often criticize the coercive authoritarian parenting that I grew up with and practiced for many years. But to
Like almost every good Asian kid, I grew up playing piano. Not well, mind you, but I faithfully wound that egg timer to 30 minutes
In our house, we love books. Most mornings are spent curled up on the couch, the boys playing on iPads while I read aloud to
There are several parenting styles that untigering parents should steer clear of: Authoritarian Parenting: No-Give Such parents are strict, demanding, inflexible and unresponsive to their
(For the purpose of this post and blog, I use “Chinese” or “Asian” the same way Amy Chua, the original Tiger Mother, uses them—in broad
There’s nothing like the end of the year to cause one to look back and take stock of the past twelve months. As I reflect
As tiger parents, most of us value grit and tenacity in the face of adversity. We appreciate mottos like: No pain, no gain. What doesn’t
Most of us tiger parents are trying to walk the fine line between permissive and authoritarian parenting. We want to give our children a measure
Most tiger moms and dads would admit that we don’t want to parent the same way we were parented. Regardless of whether our childhood was
The foundation of most Chinese family relationships is 孝, or filial piety. It’s the Confucian virtue of respecting your parents and elders. Parents are expected